High-Quality Magnum Test-E 300 in the USA

(1 customer review)


manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
substance: Testosterone enanthate
package: 10 ampoules (300mg/ml)

SKU: 12075 Category: Tag:


Magnum Test-E 300

Manufacturer – Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Package – 10 ampoules (300mg/ml)
Active substance – Testosterone Enanthate

Magnum Test-E 300 is produced by Magnum Pharmaceuticals and contains the active substance Testosterone Enanthate. It is a steroid whose substance with a similar effect to the natural hormone but it is an esterified form of testosterone that is long lasting. It has 100% androgenic and anabolic activity.

Once used, it accumulates in the fat depot, and this is where it gradually releases into the blood.

The effects of Testosterone Enanthate include a powerful anabolic action, acceleration of protein synthesis ensured by providing the necessary balance of nitrogen, as well as many other things.

Effect of Testosterone Enanthate

The list of the most common benefits of using the drug include:

  • Increase in muscle mass (caused by water retention).
  • Improved regeneration process.
  • Growth of strength performance.
  • Affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Elimination of pain in joints.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Increases the number of red blood cells transporting oxygen to the muscles.
  • Increased endurance.
  • Improves the overall condition of the body and motivation for the training process.
  • Increases libido and ensures good spermatogenesis.
  • Strengthens bone structure.
  • Prevents overtraining.
  • Normalization of phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism.

Side effects of the drug

Abuse of the drug may lead to a number of negative effects.

By increasing the dosage and not sticking to the recommended length of its use, the following my issues may arise:

  • Gynecomastia.
  • Swelling.
  • Accumulation of subcutaneous fat may develop.

To avoid these issues, it is necessary to take aromatase inhibitors.

Using Testosterone Enanthate 300mg

Injections should be administered at intervals of not more than twice a week. The dosage is calculated depending on the athlete and what needs to be taken into account is an athlete’s experience, level of physical ability, goals, and individual characteristics.

A dosage of 300mg – 900mg is considered optimal. After using the drug at a certain dosage and a change in muscle mass is not seen, you may slightly increase the dosage.

As a beginner, the best dosage to start out with is considered to be 300mg for 6 – 8 weeks.

After a cycle of this drug, it is recommended to use cortisol blockers to help you maintain the muscle mass that was gained and start PCT in the 2nd or 3rd week after finishing the cycle. To stop the development of estrogenic side effects, you can use Proviron or other aromatase inhibitors from the 2nd or 3rd week of the cycle until one week after it has finished. Keep an eye on your estradiol levels in order to prevent side effects.

For the best effect of maximum gain in muscle mass, Testosterone may be combined with Trenbolone, Nandrolone, Methandienone or Anadrol.

Anti-estrogens should also be used after the end of the cycle to restore the production of natural testosterone. The development of acne, increase in aggression, hair loss, and increase of blood pressure may appear. For this reason, we do not recommend inexperienced athletes to use high doses.

You can buy Testosterone Enanthate from our online store in the USA.