High Quality Testomix in USA

(2 customer reviews)


manufacturer: Eminence Labs
substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
package: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)

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Manufacturer – Eminence Labs

Release form – 10 ampoules at 250 mg/ml 

Active ingredient – Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)


Currently, many experienced bodybladers recommend buying Testo-Mix, because the unique composition of the drug allows you to eventually get a stronger effect on the body than when using other steroids. The active components of the drug are four esters of Testosterone, which are Phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, Propionate and Decanoate. This mixture of Testosterone esters is usually called Sustanon 250. After taking Sustanon, it begins its action in the body quickly, while the duration of its effect is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Effectiveness of the drug

When taking the anabolic substance, Sustanon 250, with the proper administration of a cycle, you can expect the manifestation of the following effects:

– Significant strengthening and enlargement of muscle mass (protein synthesis occurs);

– Improvement of appetite;

– Improvement of endurance and strength abilities;

– Powerful anti-catabolic effect;

– Improvement in the transport of oxygen in the body;

– Temporary improvement of libido.

Rules of use and dosage

A Sustanon cycle is recommended because it has quite pronounced androgenic and anabolic properties, it is excellent for bodybuilders who want to build their musclulature.

The drug is taken once every 7 days at a dosage of 250mg. Some athletes use this drug in a dosage of 500mg or even 1000mg per week. The dosage depends, first of all, on the weight of the athlete, their experience of taking steroids, etc.

Combination with other drugs

It is worth noting that Sustanon can be taken in parallel with other steroids such as Deca Durabolin, Anadrol, etc. Some experienced athletes, in order to reduce side effects, use anti-estrogens. For women engaged in power sports, experts recommend them not to abuse this drug, the dosage for females is up to 250mg once every 10-14 days.

Possible side effects:

With all of the available advantages of Sustanon, this drug does have its “disadvantages”. In particular, it is able to block the production of natural testosterone, and therefore, 5-6 weeks after the start of administration, it is recommended to inject special medications.

The negative effects are similar to many testosterone derivatives: increased aggressiveness and libido, gynecomastia, accumulation of fluid in the body, hair loss, liver problems, etc.

As practice shows, if you buy Sustanon and carefully apply it, with reasonably calculated dosages, side effects either practically do not annoy, or do not appear at all.

Only the original Sustanon 250 from Eminence Labs is on sale in our store. We also have a wide range of other products in various categories. You can also buy Growth Hormone, fat burners and PCT products from us with delivery in the USA.