High Quality Androlic in USA


manufacturer: Body Research
substance: Oxymetholone (Anadrol)
package: 50mg (100 pills)

SKU: 600 Category: Tag:



Manufacturer – Body Research

Release form – 100 tablets at 50 mg

Active ingredient – Oxymetholone (Anadrol)

Androlic is an oral steroid that has been shown to be most effective in gaining muscle mass. The active substance Oxymetholone, also known as Anapolon or Anadrol, highly promotes the formation of muscle mass and strength quickly increases within a short space of time during an Anapolon cycle.

Effects of Anapolon

The advantage of the remedy is its great anabolic activity. At the same time, catabolic processes are suppressed. As a result, it turns out to achieve a high-quality effect on the muscles and the body:

  • Muscle mass increases quickly and intensively
  • Strength and endurance increase rapidly
  • The immune system is strengthened throughout the cycle
  • Thanks to the positive effect on muscle fibers, it improves the definition of the muscles also.

Side effects of the drug

If the dosage and duration of the cycle are exceeded, the following negative effects may appear:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Headaches
  • Increased aggression
  • Insomnia and a general lack of sleep

The dosage and duration of the cycle must be determined individually, depending on the state of the body, the goals and fitness level of the athlete.

Using Anadrol 50mg

Androlic from Body Research is available in a 50mg tablet format. The cycle duration no more than is 4-8 weeks, from beginner to intermediate users. Professionals with extensive experience in the use of sports pharmacology can conduct cycles for 2.5 months, but this is done with cation and extra added supplements for the livers health.

If only 1 drug is taken on the cycle, a dosage of up to 50-100mg per day is allowed. The maximum dose for the advance bodybuilding men can be 200mg. For women, 10-50mg at maximum, even for the most experienced.

When combined with other AAS, the greatest effect can be achieved when combined with Boldenone, a dose of up to 600mg twice a week. It also combines well with Testosterone Enanthate – up to 200mg per week.

Androlic reviews

This drug is most suitable for athletes who want to achieve significant results. Build muscle mass and create a big increase in muscle mass.

Oxymetholone is effective both in solo cycles and in combination with other anabolic steroids. To get high-quality muscles, you need to exercise regularly, follow the regime and diet. To avoid these hormone imbalances, it is recommended to use testosterone as the base steroid within a combined cycle.