High-Quality Ovidac 5000 IU in the USA


manufacturer: Zydus Cadila
substance: HCG
package: 1 vial of 5000IU

SKU: 12052 Category: Tag:


Ovidac 5000 IU

Manufacturer – Zydus Cadila

Drug Form – 1 vial at 5000 IU

Active agent – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

This drug is a substitute of luteinizing hormone (LH); a deficiency of this hormone is formed after a cycle of steroids.

Drug properties

Human chorionic gonadotropin is an active component of the drug and it has several positive effects:

– Prevention of testicular atrophy

– Activation of testosterone production

– Improvement of reproductive function

– Reinforcement of secondary sex characteristics

It is presented in a pack of 1 vial containing 5000 units of active agent.

Rules of administration of Ovidac 5000 IU

The drug should be used in the middle of a standard steroid cycle or at the end of a long steroid cycle. Within a standard cycle, Ovidac 5000 IU should be taken twice a week totaling to 500 I.U. over 10-20 days. The vial content should be dissolved with the supplied liquid.

Combination peculiarities

Gonadotropin is especially important during a cycle of testosterone or its alternatives. Aromatase inhibitors (Anastrozole) should be used in such cycles.

A high dosage and long use increases the risk of headaches, gynecomastia, acne, water retention, balding or, vice versa, increase body hair growth.

Feedback about the drug

Ovidac 5000 IU is very popular due to quick recovery of the workability of the pituitary axis. It can be ordered on our website. Our sales managers will help you with completing the order and organizing its fast shipment.